Stella e a Menina do Mar is a book written by Tatiana Pinto and illustrate by myself. It is published at and it can be downloaded or purchased at the website.
Here are a couple of illustrations from the book.
. This project consisted in designing and animating a series of shorts. The client later would film people acting on green screen and put them along side the animated characters.
In this project we had to create two music videos for "Doce Mania". The character designs were created by myself, as well as, backgrounds and animation along side my peers João Alves and Mónica Loureiro.
Client: Universal Musica (Portugal) Production: BangBang Animation
"Galinha Patareca" was an episode for the series "Serafim & Companhia" which I animated. The characters were designed by
Ana Nunes and the backgrounds by Belo Cabral.
Client: Universal Music (Portugal)
Production: Bangbang animation
Perplexus was a short animation created by myself, Gavin Dean, Mark Tompkins and Mark Fish for our end of the year project at the Arts Institute at Bournemouth.
I concentrated on areas such as storyboarding, character design, animation and post-production.